Disadvantages in Tangent are character flaws, quirks, or hindrances that provide additional Build Points (BP) during character creation. These can add depth, realism, and role-playing opportunities to a character, but they also come with drawbacks or limitations.

Types of Disadvantages

Disadvantages can be physical, mental, social, or a combination of these. Examples include phobias, addictions, chronic illnesses, physical disabilities, or even personality traits like impulsiveness or arrogance.

BP Value

Each Disadvantage has a BP value assigned to it, reflecting the severity of the drawback it imposes. More significant flaws grant more BP, allowing players to invest in other areas of their character.

Balancing Act

While Disadvantages offer a way to gain extra BP, players should be mindful not to overload their characters with too many flaws. A character with numerous severe Disadvantages might become difficult or unfun to play. The recommended limit is no more than 15 points of Disadvantages.

Role-Playing Opportunities

Disadvantages can create interesting role-playing opportunities and challenges. Players can explore how their character's flaws affect their interactions with others, their decision-making, and their overall approach to the game world.

GM Involvement

The GM plays a crucial role in approving Disadvantages and ensuring they are appropriate for the setting and the character's concept. They may also offer suggestions or work with the player to develop unique Disadvantages that fit the character's background and personality.


A character with a fear of heights (Acrophobia) might gain 5 BP, reflecting the significant impact this phobia can have on their actions and choices. This could lead to interesting role-playing moments, such as the character hesitating to climb a tall tower or panicking when crossing a narrow bridge.

Disadvantages are an optional but valuable tool for character creation in Tangent. They enable players to create more complex, nuanced, and memorable characters, and they can enrich the role-playing experience by introducing challenges and opportunities for growth.



Addiction 3 / 6 / 9 Minor (3), Moderate (6) or Major (9)

Adversary 1-10 Individual 1-5, Organization 5-10

Bodily Age, Child 10 7-12ish typical human years, -1 Str/Dex/Sta (choose two)

Bodily Age, Teen 5 12-16ish typical human years, -1 Str/Dex/Sta (choose one)

Bodily Age, Old 5 60-90ish typical human years, -1 Str/Dex/Sta (choose one)

Bodily Age, Venerable 10 90+ typical human years, -1 Str/Dex/Sta (choose two)

Clown 2 known jokester, -2 on checks to be taken seriously

Covetous 3 / 6 / 9 Greed, Lechery, Ambition, Conspicuousness (Min, Mod or Maj)

Dependent 3 / 6 / 9 a ward to care for - Capable (3), Needy (6), or Dependent (9)

Disability 3 / 6 / 9 / 18 Hand or Foot (3), Limb (6), Limbs (½ usable) (9), All Limbs (18)

Distinctive Features 3 / 6 / 9 Disguisable (3), Not-Disguisable (6) or Very Obvious (9)

Emotional Issues 3 / 6 / 9 Minor (3), Moderate (6) or Major (9)

Extreme Morality 4 / 8 / 12 Blatant moral views - Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic (Min, Mod or Maj)

Hatred 3 / 6 / 9 Disgust to Loathing to Violence (Min, Mod or Maj)

Honorable 3 / 6 / 9 bound by personal code of morals and ethos (Min, Mod or Maj)

Humorless 2 takes things serious, -2 understanding nuances and innuendos

Impaired Sense 4 Perception Checks at Disadvantage with chosen sense

Lost Sense 3 / 6 / 9 Taste or Smell (3), Touch or Hearing (6), Sight (9)

Mental Issues 3 / 6 / 9 Minor (3), Moderate (6) or Major (9)

Minority 2+ Misfits, Deviants, Ethnicities, Creeds, etc, gains Xeno modifier

Mute 2 Cannot speak

Nightmares 2 1 in 10 - night of no rest (-2 all actions following day)

Obligation 3 / 6 / 9 Minor (3), Moderate (6) or Major (9)

Poor 3 / 6 / 9 -4 / -8 / -12 to Wealth Score (negative score denotes debt)

Secret 3 / 6 / 9 Reputation, Harm/Exile or Death (Min, Mod or Maj)

Social Issues 3 / 6 / 9 Minor (3), Moderate (6) or Major (9)

Unlucky 3 / 6 / 9 -2 (3) / -4 (6) / -6 (9) to Karma Pool, no minimum