Features (also called Feats) offer a powerful way to customize your character and make them stand out. Think of Features as special abilities or training that go beyond your character's basic attributes (like Strength or Intellect) and skills (like Stealth or Medicine). They represent the unique qualities that make your character who they are, whether it's an innate talent, a learned technique, or a modification gained through technology or magic.


Features are special abilities or training that cost 3 Build Points (BP) each. However, if you choose a Suggested Feature from the list recommended for your character's species, faction, or occupation, the cost is reduced by 1 BP. Keep in mind that even with the discount, Features cannot cost less than 1 BP. You must decide how to spend your BP to acquire the Features most important to your character's concept.

Advanced Features

As your character grows and develops, you might unlock access to more advanced Features. These often have prerequisites, meaning you'll need to meet certain requirements before you can take them. This could involve having a specific skill level, possessing another Feature, or fulfilling a particular condition set by the game's rules.

Suggested Features

To help you choose Features that fit your character's concept, the game provides lists of Suggested Features for different species, factions, and occupations. If you choose a Suggested Feature, its cost is reduced by 1 BP, making it a more affordable option. However, even with this discount, the minimum cost for any Feature is always 1 BP.

Examples of Features:

Lightning Reflexes

Your character reacts faster than most, granting them a bonus to initiative rolls and Reflex saving throws.


Your character is more resilient, gaining additional hit points.

Weapon Specialization

Your character is particularly skilled with a specific type of weapon, gaining a bonus to attack rolls and damage with that weapon.

Night Vision

Your character can see in the dark, giving them an advantage in low-light conditions.

These are just a few examples of the many Features available in Tangent. By carefully selecting Features that complement your character's abilities and skills, you can create a truly unique and memorable hero for your adventures.


Ranked Features are available for multiple purchase with effects stacking (limited by or Ability Score or the associated skill - 1 at Novice (1+), 2 at Trained (6+), 3 at Expert (11+), 4 at Master (16+) and 5 at Pinnacle (20))

Multiple Features have different options and can be taken for different effect, skill, ability.

Special Features are dependent on Storyline and need the GM’s approval


Aeronaut Specialist in nature assisted flight. Make Unpowered Pilot checks at Advantage: Pilot (Unpowered) 1

Animal Affinity +2 Handle and Ride animals (Survival)

Artificer Metacraft Prototyping checks made with Advantage: Attune 11, any Discipline 11, any crafting skill 11

Artistic +2 to 2 Performance or Vocation Subskills

Attractive +2 Social checks for physical appeal: Cha 2, Ranked (Cha)

Biotechnologist Biotechnology Prototyping with Advantage: Biotechnology, Biology 11, Botany 11, Medicine 11

Computer Specialist +2 All Computer Tasks

Digital Expert Perform Computer Tasks in 1/2 time

Coding Master Perform Computer Tasks at Advantage

Deceitful +2 Manipulation Skills and +1 to Etiquette checks

Educated +2 Academics and +1 to all Knowledge Skills: Academics 5, any Knowledge 5

Entertaining +1 Any Performance Check. Ranked (Cha max): Cha 1

Gearhead +2 All Mechanical based Knowledge, Operation and Repair checks

Gifted Pilot +2 Piloting, +10% to Maximum Vehicle Speed: Pilot 6

Crack Pilot +4 Piloting, +20% to Maximum Vehicle Speed: Gifted Pilot, Pilot 11

Ace Pilot +6 Piloting, +30% to Maximum Vehicle Speed: Crack Pilot, Pilot 16

Graceful +1 All Agi based non-combat skill checks and Reflex checks

Headstrong +2 Bluff, Intimidate checks and +1 to Will checks

Influence +4 Reputation and Favor checks (Diplomacy): Cha 2

Popularity Take 10 on any Charisma Skills and Checks: Influence, Cha 4

Intimidating Prowess Add Str to Intimidate in addition to Cha: Str 2, Intimidate 1

Menacing Take 10 or add +1d10 to Intimidate Checks: Intimidating Prowess, Cha 2, Intimidate 6

Terrifying make Intimidation Checks with Advantage: Menacing, Str 4, Cha 4, Intimidate 11

Inventor Technological Prototyping with Advantage: Electrical 6, Mechanical 6 and Engineering 6

Medical Specialist +2 all Medicine Checks - Diagnosis, Treatment & Research: Int 1, Medicine 1

Surgeon Surgical Healing (Additional Medicine check to restore Health): Medicine 6, Medical Specialist

Cyberneticist Specialist in Augmentations, Advantage checks: Surgeon, Mechanical 6, Electrical 6, Engineering 6

Medical Expert Treat deadly wounds quickly and long care without med bay: Int 2, Medicine 6, Medical Specialist

Medical Genius Medicine Checks made at Advantage: Int 4, Medicine 11, Medical Expert

Methodical +1 ALL Int Skills and Logic checks

Natural Healer +2 ALL Healing oriented Skill Checks (Medicine with Biology, Botany, Technology, etc)

Nimble +2 Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand and +1 Ref checks

Persuasive +2 Manipulation Skills and +1 to Etiquette checks

Gifted +5 to specific skill check when focused on task (-5 to all other actions): Multiple (Int)

Prodigy Take 10 with specific Skill: Gifted with Skill

Savant make Checks at Advantage for specific skill: Prodigy with Skill

Rugged +2 Survival checks and +1 Fortitude checks

Saboteur +4 any checks to Disable or Destroy Machinery and Devices

Self-Sufficient +2 Medicine, Survival and +1 Fortitude checks

Silver Tongue May adjust Diplomacy checks by additional step: Cha 1, Diplomacy 1

Golden Smile Take 10 or add d10 to Bluff and Diplomacy checks: Silver Tongue, Cha 2, Diplomacy and Bluff 6

Platinum Personality make Bluff and Diplomacy Checks with Advantage: Golden Smile, Cha 4, Diplomacy and Bluff 11

Skill Focus Bonus of +2 and may be gained at each skill stage: Chosen Skill 1, Multiple, Ranked (skill stages)

Skill Mastery Take 10 with ALL skills at 11+ with Skill Focus: Skill Focus (any 2) with Focused Skills at 11+

Skill Specialization Enable a path of expertise which will add to the base skill (up to 10 levels): Chosen Skill 1, Multiple

Social +1 ALL Cha Skills and Etiquette checks

Spacer +2 All Starship and any Space Survival checks

Steady +2 Acrobatics, Athletics and +1 Ref checks

Stealthy +2 Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand checks and +4 Stealth checks

Stout +1 ALL Star & Con Skills and Might & Fortitude Checks

Trustworthy +2 Manipulation Skills and +1 Culture checks

Veiled Threat Target doesn't become hostile after Intimidation

Versatile Curator Virtual skill as an additional Knowledge. any Knowledge 6+, Multiple (Int, for additional subskill)

Versatile Performer Virtual skill as an additional Perform. any Perform 6+, Multiple (Int, for additional subskill)

Versatile Professional Virtual skill as an additional Vocation. any Vocation 6+, Multiple (Int, for additional subskill)


Aptitude +2 to 2 Metafocus Discipline Skills: Multiple (Key Ability)

Awakened Access Attune and Skills of a Metafocus Discipline. Multiple (additional 2 Discipline skills each).

Centering +2 Attune Checks (Affecting DCs): Attune 6, Key Ability 2

Centering Expert +4 Attune Checks (Affecting DCs): Attune 11, Key Ability 4

Centering Master +6 Attune Checks (Affecting DCs): Attune 16, Key Ability 6

Discipline Focus +2 with chosen Discipline Skill (Affecting Severity): chosen Discipline Skills 6, Multiple

Discipline Expertise +4 with chosen Discipline Skill (Affecting Severity): Discipline Focus, Chosen Skills 11

Discipline Mastery +6 with chosen Discipline Skill (Affecting Severity): Discipline Expertise, Chosen Skills 16

Discipline Empower Longer channeling time for additional energy each round: Discipline Focus, Attune Skill 6

Empowered Strike +1 to Strike and Damage and the Attack is considered Enhanced: Attune 6, Ranked (Attune)

Focused Center May take 10 on Attune Checks with all Disciplines Focused: Centering, Discipline Focus

Balanced Center May take 10 with all Discipline Checks Expertised: Centering Expertise, Discipline Expertise

Harmonious Center All Checks with Advantage with all Disciplines Mastered: Centering Master, Discipline Mastery

Special Ability an Invocation at level 1, without prerequisite Discipline Skills or Attune: Special, Multiple

Versatile Source Attune may access a secondary meta source and/or Ability: Attune 6


Beginner's Luck Gain 5 Temporary Skill ranks, effect lasting the scene (1kp): Skill Level less than 6

Believer Call upon one’s Faith for a Skill reroll once per day. Ranked (Wis, additional uses)

Devout Call upon one’s Faith for an Ability Check reroll once per day. Ranked (Cha, additional uses): Believer

Charmed Re-roll 1 Fumble 1/day (without spending Karma Point): Karma 4

Inspiration Spent a Karma Point to benefit an ally, any Karma Effect as if on self (1kp plus kp of benefit granted)

Karmic Blessing +2 maximum Karma points. Multiple, with a maximum total Karma Pool of all Ability Scores combined

Seize Initiative Go first in combat (1kp)

Surge 1 extra action in a round (1kp)

True Faith Double effects from any Karma points on behalf of their Faith (as applicable): Believer, Devout

Ultimate Effort Make 20 on check for 1 chosen trait (any 1 non-combat skill or check) (1kp). Multiple


Assessment Determine skill level of someone observed: Awareness 6, Sense Motive 6

Analyze Weakness Assessment vs Targets Bluff for a +1 bonus vs the target per 5 points of success: Assessment

Benefit (Authority) Law Enforcement position (1- Deputy, 2 – Officer, 3 – Marshal, 4 - Agent): Special

Benefit (Clearance) Government Security Clearance (1- Classified, 2 - Secret, 3 - Top Secret, 4 - Black Badge): Special

Benefit (Equipment) Issued / Supplied gear (1 – Gear, 2 – Arms & Armor, 3 – Vehicles, 4 - Ship): Special

Benefit (Identity) Alternate Identity (1 complete ‘legal’ Identity per rank)

Benefit (Immunity) 1 – Order Immunity, 2 - Diplomatic Immunity, 3 - Sanctioned, 4 - License to Kill: Special

Benefit (Status) Rank / Title of influence – Military, Corporation, Nobility, etc. and +2 Wealth:Special, Ranked, Multiple

Benefit (Wealth) Increase Wealth score by 3: Ranked

Connected Call on favors. Pseudo-Status: 1 - Soldier, 2 - Manager, 3 - Officer, 4 - Boss

Contacts Gather Information quicker

Coordinated Assist +1 bonus to another’s task check from all Skill Synergies. Ranked (Int)

Climber Improved Climb Speed and may Take 10 on Climb checks

Distract Check vs Target’s Will to gain Total Attention (Int or Cha)

Double Jointed +4 on any check involving flexibility

Eidetic Memory +4 Memory Checks and use Knowledge skills untrained: Int 2

Photographic Memory Make all Memory Checks at advantage and any Research takes one-half normal time: Int 4

Endurance +4 bonus on checks to avoid nonlethal damage: Sta 2

Diehard Automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 hp: Endurance

Fame Reputation +4: Cha 2, Ranked (Cha)

Favored Environment +1 Attack, Defense, Awareness and Survival in favored environment. Multiple

Favored Opponent +1 Attack, Damage and Skill checks against the chosen opponent type. Ranked, Multiple

Fearless Immune to Fear Effects

Jack-of-all-trades Use any skill untrained

Leadership Gain Followers: Special

Lightning Calculator perform mathematics at 2x speed: Int 1

Mental Alacrity gain additional Mental Action if doing nothing physical: Lightning Calculator, Trance, Int 2

Multiplexing +1 Mental Action to Mental Alacrity.: Mental Alacrity, Int 3, Ranked (Int limits total extra actions)

Master Plan Gain bonuses for prepared encounter, Logic Check with possible Synergy from skills

Nimble Moves Ignore 10 feet of difficult terrain when you move: Agi 2

Acrobatic Steps Ignore 30 feet of difficult terrain when you move: Agi 3, Nimble Moves

Perfect Balance Ignore any difficult terrain when you move: Agi 4, Acrobatic Steps

Tough DR5 vs Non-Lethal: Sta 1

Pain Tolerance Make Stun checks at Advantage: Tough, Sta 2

Runner Run at 5 times your normal speed, Sprint at 7 times: Str 1, Agi 1, Sta 1

Trance suspend afflictions and reduce bodily needs or gain Mental Focus

Swimmer Gain Swim Speed and may Take 10 on any Swim check

Tracker Follow tracks using Survival or Awareness Skill

Well Informed Free Immediate Gather Information check on first encounter

Quick +10 to Movement Speed and +1 Initiative: Agi +1

Quicker +20 to Movement Speed and +2 Initiative: Quick, Agi +2

Quickest +30 to Movement Speed and +3 Initiative: Quicker, Agi +3

Zero G Training No penalties in low or no gravity, trained Adaptation


Great Fortitude +2 bonus on Fortitude checks (Ranked Stamina)

Incredible Fortitude Roll Fortitude checks with advantage: Great Fortitude

Lightning Reflexes +2 bonus on Reflex checks (Ranked Agility)

Superb Reflexes Roll Reflex checks with advantage: Lightning Reflexes

Potent Might +2 bonus on Might checks (Ranked Strength)

Mighty Surge Roll Might checks with advantage: Potent Might

Inspiring Personality +2 bonus on Etiquette checks (Ranked Charisma)

Motivating Persona Roll Etiquette checks with advantage: Inspiring Personality

Iron Will +2 bonus on Will checks (Ranked Wisdom)

Indomitable Will Roll Will checks with advantage: Iron Will

Insightful Reason +2 bonus on Logic checks (Ranked Intellect)

Inspired Reason Roll Logic checks with advantage: Insightful Reason

Evasiveness * Successful Check is a full avoidance of an effect if it would be partial. Multiple Check Types

Improved Evasiveness * Failed check is still a partial success and resulting in less effect, generally 1/2: Evasiveness

Tolerance * Additional Resistance Checks made in 1/2 typical time for most effects. Multiple

Improved Tolerance * Additional Resistance Checks made in 1/4 typical time for most effects: Tolerance

* Defensive - Evasiveness (for Fortitude, Reflex or Will Checks) and Tolerance (for Fort and Will Checks)


Agile Wrestling Use your Agi and Str for Grappling

Ambidextrous Use both hands equally well. Eliminates off-hand penalty: Agi 2

Multidextrous No Off-Handed Penalty with Multiple Limbs: Ambidextrous or Agi 4

Blind-Fight Roll with an advantage die to counter the miss chance of a concealed target

Blockade Stop enemies from moving past you

Burst Attack Reduces penalties with Auto-Fire: Ballistic or Energy Weapon (or Heavy) Combat Skill 2

Channel Smite Channel energy through your attack: Channel energy

Combat Casting +4 bonus on AC vs AoO and to concentration checks

Combat Expertise Trade attack bonus for defense bonus: Int 2

Improved Disarm +2 bonus on disarm attempts, no attack of opportunity: Combat Expertise

Greater Disarm Disarmed weapons are knocked away from your enemy: Improved Disarm

Improved Feint Feint as a move action: Combat Expertise

Greater Feint Enemies you feint lose their Agi bonus for 1 round: Improved Feint

Improved Trip +2 bonus on trip attempts, no attack of opportunity: Combat Expertise

Greater Trip Enemies you trip provoke attacks of opportunity: Improved Trip

Whirlwind Attack Make one melee attack against all foes within reach: Agi 2, Combat Expertise, Blitz Attack

Combat Reflexes Not Flanked from side attacks

Combat Skill Focus Bonus of +2 and may be purchased per skill stage, see Skill Focus for details: Chosen Combat Skill 1, Multiple

Combat Specialist Increase die damage of attack with one Combat Skill: Combat Skill 5

Combat Expert Double Str or Agi bonus to damage with one Combat Skill: Combat Skill 10, Combat Specialist

Combat Master 1 1/2 Skill to Damage: Combat Skill 15, Combat Expert

Coordinated Attack Allies gain +1 Aid bonus for Attacks on foes you threaten

Deadly Aim Trade Agility Attack Bonus for Extra Damage Bonus: Agi 2

Defensive Intuition Add Wis to Defense: Wis 2

Deflect Projectiles Avoid one ranged attack per round: Agi 3

Redirect Projectiles Catch or Redirect one ranged attack per round: Agi 4, Deflect Projectiles

Dodge +2 Defense if Evading: Agi 2 (Ranked)

Agile Discipline Use Metafocus Discipline on the move: Dodge

Mobility +4 Defense when moving: Dodge

Blitz Attack 1 Attack during a movement action (Full Action): Mobility, Combat Skill 6

Double Blitz 2 Attacks during a movement action (Full Action): Blitz Attack, Combat Skill 11

Triple Blitz 3 Attacks during a movement action (Full Action): Double Blitz, Combat Skill 16

Fencer +1 to Attack and Critical Range with Blade Weapons: Melee 1, Ranked

Gunner Negate 1 from Called Shot Penalties with Ballistic or Energy Weapons

Sharpshooter Negates additional 1 from Called Shot Penalties and Increases Critical Range by 1: Gunner

Improved Critical +1 Critical Threat Range (one weapon type): Weapon Skill at 8. Multiple and Ranked (Weapon Skill)

Improved Natural Attack Increases one Natural Attack damage to the next die type. Multiple (for different attack types)

Improved Defense +3 Defense Bonus for Defensive Fighting or +6 Defense if Fully Defensive

Improved Initiative +4 bonus on initiative checks: Ranked (1 + 1 Rank per 2 Agi max)

Interpose Trade places with adjacent ally to take hit

Kip Up Stand from prone as swift action or with another action

Lancer +1 to Attack and Critical Range with Piercing Weapons: Melee 1, Ranked

Lunge Take a –2 penalty to your AC to attack with an extra reach: Melee or Unarmed of 6

Martial Arts +1d Damage (to Natural Attack) - Lethal or Non-Lethal Damage and Considered Armed: Unarmed 1

Improved Martial Arts +2d Damage (to Natural Attack), Critical on 19+ (+1 Crit Range): Martial Arts, Unarmed 6

Advanced Martial Arts +3d Damage (to Natural Attack), Critical on 18+ (+1 Crit Range): Improved Martial Arts, Unarmed 11

Defensive Martial Arts +2 Defense (Blocking or Evading) while Unarmed: Martial Arts. Ranked (Agi).

Improved Grapple +2 bonus all grappling maneuvers: Martial Arts. Ranked (Agi)

Greater Grapple Maintain your grapple as a move action: Improved Grapple, Unarmed 6

Iron Hand Penetration 5, +1 Crit range: Improved Martial Arts, Unarmed 11

Adamant Strike Penetration 10, +1 Crit range: Advanced Martial Arts, Iron Hand, Unarmed 16

Stunning Strike A Single Focused Stun Attack, Fort save or x2 damage (Non-Lethal Attack): Agi 2 (or Wis 2), Improved Martial Arts

Improved Stunning Strike Increases Stunning Strike Damage Multiple to x3: Agi 3 (or Wis 3), Stunning Strike, Advanced Martial Arts

Greater Stunning Strike Increases Stunning Strike Damage Multiple to x4: Agi 4 (or Wis 4), Improved Stunning Strike, Unarmed 16

Giant’s Strike Strike with more damage, increasing Unarmed Damage die by 1 step: Martial Arts, Unarmed 6

Titan’s Fury Increase Unarmed Damage another die step: Giant’s Strike, Unarmed 11

Weapon Kata Incorporate a Weapon Type into Martial Arts to Improved its Damage, Critical Range and other effects

Penetrating Strike Your attacks ignore 5 points of damage reduction: Skill Focus (Combat Skill), Combat Skill 6

Improved Penetrating Strike Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction: Penetrating Strike, Skill 11

Greater Penetrating Strike Your attacks ignore 15 points of damage reduction: Improved Penetrating Strike, Skill 16

Point-Blank Shot +1 attack, damage and +2 critical range within 30 feet using Ranged, Modern or Advanced Weaponry

Far Shot Decrease ranged penalties by half: Point-Blank Shot

Precise Shot No penalty for shooting into melee: Point-Blank Shot, combat skill 6

Improved Precise Shot No cover or concealment chance on ranged attacks: Precise Shot, Agi 4, combat skill 11

Pinpoint Targeting No armor protection on one ranged attack, full action: Improved Precise Shot, combat skill 16

Shot on the Run Make ranged attack at any point during movement: Dodge, Point-Blank Shot, combat skill 4

Parting Shot Make single attack while withdrawing: Shot on the Run, combat skill 6

Rapid Shot Make one extra ranged attack (with -2 for all attacks made): Point-Blank Shot

Manyshot Make 2 ranged attacks at once (with -2 for both made): Rapid Shot, combat skill 6

Power Attack Trade melee attack bonus for damage (up to skill level in intervals of 5): Str 2, Unarmed or Melee 6

Cleave Make one additional attack after a Power Attack strikes: Power Attack, combat skill 6

Great Cleave Make an additional attack after each Power Attack strikes: Cleave, combat skill 11

Improved Sunder +2 Attack and +1d Damage on all Sundering Power Attacks: Power Attack, combat skill 6

Greater Sunder Damage from all sunder attacks transfer to your enemy: Improved Sunder, combat skill 11

Pugilist +2 Damage and +1 Initiative with Unarmed, trained fighter: Unarmed 1. Ranked

Pummeler +1 to Attack and Critical Range with Blunt Weapons: Melee 1, Ranked

Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action: Combat skill 1

Rage +4 Str, +2 Fort/Will checks, and +2 Defense (5 rounds)

Shooter Does NOT Provoke Attacks of Opportunity when firing while in melee: any ranged Combat skill 6

Smite Double Damage for 1 round against a specific target (1 use /rest)

Additional Smites +2 uses of Smite between rests: Smite. Ranked (Wis)

Step Up Take a 5-foot step as an immediate action

Strike Back Attack foes that strike you while using reach: Step Up, Melee 11

Taunt Goad an enemy into a bad action gaining +4 to Defense for the round and possible Surprise Attack

Two-Weapon Fighting Eliminates Dual-Wield Penalty for additional attacks: Agi 2

Double Slice 1 Attack using both weapons (and 2 damage rolls): Two-Weapon Fighting

Two-Weapon Rend Rend a foe hit by both your weapons, extra damage roll: Double Slice, Melee 11

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Gain second off-hand attack: Agi 3, skill 6

Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Gain a third off-hand attack: Agi 4, skill 11

Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting Gain a fourth off-hand attack: Agi 5, skill 16

Two-Weapon Defense +1 shield bonus to defense when fighting with two weapons: Two-Weapon Fighting

Imp. Two-Weapon Defense +2 shield bonus to defense when fighting with two weapons: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

Grter. Two-Weapon Defense +3 shield bonus to defense when fighting with two weapons: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting

Pfct. Two-Weapon Defense +4 shield bonus to defense when fighting with two weapons: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting

Uncanny Dodge Immune to Flat Footed condition: Agi 4

Vital Strike Deal twice the normal damage on a single attack: Skill 6

Improved Vital Strike Deal three times the normal damage on a single attack: Vital Strike, skill 11

Greater Vital Strike Deal four times the normal damage on a single attack: Improved Vital Strike, skill 16

Weapon Focus Adds Effect based on Weapon Type (Piercing - Penetration, Slash - Bleed, Blunt - Stun, etc)): Multiple

Weapon Improvisation No penalties for improvised Archaic weapons

Weapon Specialization +1d damage with one weapon type: Combat Skill Focus, Weapon Focus, Skill 6. Multiple.

Imp. Weapon Specialization +2d damage with one weapon type: Weapon Spec, Skill 11

Grtr. Weapon Specialization +3d damage with one weapon type: Imp Weapon Spec, Skill 16


Features available only with listed creation traits, possible npcs for story or with special permission, some possibly gained through storyline…

Acute Sense +2 to Awareness Checks with chosen sense

Analytical Gain specific and detailed information from sense: corresponding Acute Sense

Uncanny Sense Roll Awareness Checks with chosen sense at advantage: corresponding Acute Sense

Augmented Cybernetic / Biological / Meta Improvements

Heavy Augmentations More Intensive Replacements and Enhancements. Exploration, Industrialization or Weaponization

Extreme Augmentations Replace most or all biological components.

Biotechnology Imprinting, using and manipulating Living Technology in its various forms: Awakened (Psychic), TL4

Bonded Tele-Empathic connection with another, or others (who require the Bonded Feature as well).

Companion Bio, Tech or other 40BP Companion. Ranked [improving single companion] / Multiple [additional companion] (Cha) (both granting 40 points for 1 or multiple, same limit)

Familiar Empathically linked knowing the others location and state of being, and improved abilities (+20BP to Companion).

Mind Link Link is Telepathic and gains shared knowledge and skills (may aid), improved abilities (+10BP to Companion).

Shared Senses Gain the senses of and may sense through the other as needed, improved abilities (+10BP to Companion).

Danger Sense Surprise Checks are made with advantage: Wis 1

Dwarfism Smaller than normal size by 1 step

Soar Flight Speed +1 step (2x to 3x, 3x to 4x, etc) or +25% to Unpowered Speed: Flight Speed 40 or Aeronaut

Windrider Flight Maneuverability +1 step (Avg to Good): Avg Flight Maneuver or Aeronaut, Soar

Stormrider Flight Speed and Maneuverability not penalized by winds: Windrider

Gigantism Larger than normal size by 1 step

Internal Compass Innately know direction, may take 10 on Navigation to anyplace previously visited

Homing Check with Advantage to any place previous visited and may take 10 on any Navigation check

Lore Expansive knowledge base, gain Special know-it-all Skill of Lore at 1, may improve as other skills: Int2, Wis2

Mutation Grants a Racial Feature not normally possessed - by nature, accident or intent: Special, Multiple (Sta)

Obfuscate Make Stealth checks while being observed: Agi 2, Stealth 5

Still Presence Will not be casually noticed, must be looked for if being subtle: Obfuscate, Quiet, Stealth 11

Quiet May always take 10 to be silent and +4 to Stealth checks

Specialist Expertise Double bonuses from Skill Focus when using a Speciality Skill 11+: Int 4, Skill Specialization, Skill 11, Multiple

Sage Triple bonuses from Skill Focus when using a Speciality Skill 16+: Int 6, Specialist Expertise, Skill 16, Multiple

Sense Sense 20 ft Radius or a 40 ft Cone (20 ft wide) (Evil, Magic, Energy, Emotions, etc). Multiple. as Special Ability

Sense, Uncontrolled as above but with no off switch, increase to 30 ft Radius and 60 ft Cone (30 ft wide). Multiple

Sneak Attack Add Int and 1 extra die to weapon damage if the target is flat footed. Ranked (Agi, increases die number)

Bleed Sneak Attack will cause 1 point of Bleed Damage per die of Sneak Attack damage - Attacks Vitals

Blind Direct attack to a targets Sense - Attacks Sensory Organs

Cripple Cause severe damage to a targets limb - Attacks Arms

Hobble Reduce a target’s speed by 50% of its base speed (2 attacks to immobilize) - Attacks Legs

Technologist Improved Technology Level in a field of study: Special

Telepathy Mental Communication with any intelligent lifeform, awareness of the subject is required. as Special Ability

Wild Speech Communicate and may use typical Social Skills with Animals. as Special Ability