Composite score summing a characters income, prestige, endebtments, credit, savings, etc
Starting Wealth determined by adding the following categories
(One choice from each category from character design)
Occupation Wealth Base
Adept 4
Agent 2
Builder 3
Citizen 2
Criminal 4
Drifter 1
Entertainer 5
Merchant 5
Representative 6
Scholar 3
Scout 1
Soldier 1
Origin Modifier
Agricultural 0
Aquatic 1
Colony 0
Industrial 2
Leisure 3
Magical Rich 2
Militaristic 0
Research 2
Spacer 1
Urban 1
OTHERS 0 to 3
Faction Modifier
Alterian 3
Auluran 2
Ascendancy 3
Coalition 0
Dynasty 2
Entari 3
Impyrium 3
Mekan 6 (Special)
Syndicate 4
Outworlds 0
OTHERS 0 to +3
Tech Modifier
0 -4
1 -2
2 0
3 +2
4 +4
5 +8
Bonus of +1 per each stage of the primary Vocation skill which is being practiced to earn money.
An additional Skill of level 6+ may be accounted to aid in Trade per each of the Primary Skill’s Ranking stage, with a bonus of +1 Wealth per associated skill
Skill Ranking Bonus
Novice (1-5) +1
Trained (6-10) +2
Expert (11-15) +3
Master (16-19) +4
Pinnacle (20) +5
Performance Skills when professionally done will have double listed bonuses
Medicine Skill used as a Practicing Physician will be double the typical bonus (likely triple or more in some areas).
Piloting, Combat Skills and others may also be used like Vocation skills if regular employment using them is available - paying typical to double depending on trade
Discipline Skills is generally high commodity paying double listed bonuses
Adjustments to Wealth Bonus should be made for any skills the character may be paid for that requires training.
Menial or untrained workers will receive the base pay of their societies' Middle Class for practicing a trade, with less pay to the lower castes and impoverished classes of society.
(base credit value range)*
0 Impoverished / In Debt 10d4x5 (50-200)
1 - 4 Lower Class / Struggling x1K (1K-4K)
5 - 10 Middle Class / Stable x10K (50K-100K)
11 - 20 Upper Class / Affluent x100K (1.1M-2M)
21 - 40 Wealthy x1M (21M-40M)
41 - 60 Rich x10M (410M-600M)
61 - 80 Very Rich - Royalty equivalent x100M (6.1B-8B)
81+ Super Elite - Planetary Rulers x1B (81B+)
* General Guide on how much money the character is valued in order tap their credit for loans or advances
______________________________________________________________________________UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Basic Weapons which have been around since the dawn of hunting and defending oneself. TL0 and TL1 originations with various improvements with technology.
Name Dmg Range Special Cost
Axe 2d6 -
Bladed Gauntlet 2d4 - (Armored Fist with Blades)
Claws 1d6
Hatchet 2d4 - / 10ft
Knife 1d6 - / 10ft
Machete 1d8 -
Short Sword 2d4 -
Sword 2d6 -
Great Ax 2d8 - Str 2
Great Sword 2d8 - Str 2
Whip 1d6 10ft Reach Reach, Entangle, Non-Lethal
Polearm 2d6 10ft Reach Reach, Trip
Sharp Rock 1d4 - / 20ft
Name Dmg Range Special Cost
Club 1d6 - / 10ft
Fists 1d6 Non-Lethal
Feet 1d8 Non-Lethal
Gauntlet 1d8 - (Armored Gloves)
Hammer 2d4 - / 10ft
Mace 2d4 -
Staff 1d8 -
Maul / Great Hammer 2d8 - Str 2
Chain 1d8 10ft Reach Reach, Entangle
Long Staff 2d6 10ft Reach Str 1, Reach, Trip
Rock 1d4 - / 20ft
Sabaton 2d4 - (Armored Boots)
Name Dmg Range Special Cost
Bite 1d6
Dagger 1d6 - / 10ft
Long Spear 2d6 10ft Reach Reach, Trip
Rapier 1d8 -
Pick 3d4 -
Short Sword 2d4 -
Spear 2d6 - / 20ft
Spiked Gauntlet 2d6 - (Armored Gloves with Spikes)
Spiked Sabaton 2d6 - (Armored Boots with Spikes)
Sharp Stick 1d4 -
Name Dmg Range Special Cost
Bow 1d8 50ft
Crossbow 2d6 75ft
Net 1d6 20ft Non-Lethal, Entangle
Net, Barbed 2d6 20ft Entangle, Hooked
Throwing Knife 2d4 20ft (Piercing)
Throwing Stick 2d4 30ft (Blunt), possible Returning option on miss (by design)
Modernizing the ‘Basic’ weaponry into something more. Grants different effects or improved damage and will require a power cell to operate, similar to Energy Weapons. Note that Non-Lethal weapons will change to lethal (with Voltic and Resonance still having a non-lethal option (as design) and still retain other special traits)
Weaponsmith Vocation to design and manufacture, will increase base weapon’s CR by 2 + (2 x TL of Modification)
* Effects applied to Critical Hit in addition to increased damage
** Non-Powered, benefits are from design
*** Solid Energy (Pyro, Cryo, Voltic, Sonic or Corrosive) and Warp Weapons (coherent force) consist of a projector and emit the blade, protrusion or face of the weapon, and are a simple hilt or projector until active
Name Dmg Special Cost
Energy Sheath - Electric +1d Voltic Lethal or Non-Lethal, Stun*, TL2
- Plasma +1d Pyro Burn (+1d for 1 round)*, TL3
- Disintegration +1d Corrosive Dissolve (+1d for 1 round)*, TL5
- Disruption +2 Force / die Stun*, Penetration 10 vs Fields, TL4
- Flash +1d Laser Penetration 10 as Laser, TL4
- Frost +1d Cryo Freeze (Might save vs Snare/Slow)*, TL3
- Resonance +1d Sonic Lethal or Non-Lethal, Stun*, TL3
Grav +1 Die Size Impact Force, Knockback*, TL5, Blunt Weapons
Jagged ** +1 Damage Die +1 Crit Range, Bleed 1*, TL1
Mono ** +1 Damage Die Penetrating 5, +1 Critical Range, Bleed 2*, TL3
Serrated ** +1 Damage Die +2 Crit Range, Bleed 1*, TL2
Solid Energy *** 2x Dice as Energy as Energy Sheath, TL5 (Holophotonic)
Vibro +1 Damage Die Penetrating 5, +2 Critical Range, Bleed 3*, TL4
Warp *** +2 Damage Die Penetrating 10, +3 Critical Range, Bleed 4*, TL5
TL1 Blackpowder - a dense bullet or shot projected by explosive force
TL2 Firearms - as TL1 but using cartridges or casings increase the force of the rounds
TL3 Mag-Guns - hard slug with ferrous core accelerated with magnetic rails
TL4 Kinetic - using Field technology to launch projectiles at high velocity
TL5 Grav / Holophotonic - focused hypervelocity gravity pulse and solid energy ammunition
All with the basic design of sending projectiles into a ranged target at traumatically high speeds.
TL3+ Ballistic Weaponry requires an Energy Cell as well as Ammunition.
Many weapon variants, the energy cell will be integrated in the Ammo Clip.
A typical cell will power most weapons for about 5 loads if separate, larger Power Packs or a constant power supply will often be used with Heavy Weaponry.
Name Dmg Range Ammo Special Cost
Pistol, Hold-Out 1d8 20ft 2 Pocket Sized
Pistol, Light 1d8 40ft 30
Pistol, Medium 2d6 50ft 20
Pistol, Heavy 2d8 60ft 10
Name Dmg Range Ammo Special Cost
Rifle, Light 1d8 200ft 60
Rifle, Medium 2d8 150ft 40
Rifle, Heavy 3d8 100ft 20
Sniper Rifle 3d8 300ft 10
Sniper Rifle, Heavy 5d8 200ft 10
Scattergun, Shot 6d8 50ft cone 10 +5ft spread, -1d damage / 10ft range
Scattergun, Blunderbuss 6d8 25ft cone 10 +10ft spread, -1d damage / 5ft range (PB 10ft*)
Scattergun, Slug 5d8 50ft 10
* Point Blank Range for this weapon is 10ft (gaining a +5 to Strike and damage is rolled at Advantage)
Name Dmg Range Ammo Special Cost
Light Cannon 3d8 500ft 10
Medium Cannon 5d8 500ft 10
Heavy Cannon 7d8 500ft 10
Light Machine Gun 2d8 200ft 100 Autofire
Medium Machine Gun 3d8 200ft 100 Autofire
Heavy Machine Gun 4d8 200ft 100 Autofire
Grenade Launcher * 100ft 1/10
Flamer 2d6 Pyro 30ft 4/8 Burn (+2d/+1d/+1d) plus Ignites Flammables
Heavy Flamethrower 4d6 Pyro 60ft 6/12 Burn (+3d/+2d/+1d) plus Ignites Flammables
Mini-Missile Launcher * 500ft 1/2/6 Rocket or Smart (Base Attack 10+)**
Grenades Use Heavy Weapons (Launched) or Ranged (Thrown) Skill
Grenade Launchers And Mini-Missile Launchers Use Heavy Weapons Skill
Name Dmg Special Cost
Armor Piercing 5d6 Force +2d6 after Armor Mini-Missile only, Penetration 10
Chemical Drug dosage to 20 ft initial Blast fills a 10ft cube per turn for 5 turns
Concussion Stun (2d10), 20ft Blast Non-Lethal (-1die and +1 Save/20ft)
Fire Suppression Foam, 20ft Blast 30 point Fire Protection to everything in area, Messy
Fragmentation 5d6 Shrapnel, 10ft Blast Penetration 10 (-1die and +1 Save/10ft)
High Explosive 5d8 Force, 10ft Blast Impact Damage, (-1die and +1 Save/10ft)
Incendiary 2d6 Pyro, 20ft Blast Burn (+2d/+1d/+1d) plus Ignites Flammables
Slick Frictionless oil over 20ft Blast Reflex DC 20 to move ½ Speed (DC 25 Full, DC 30 Jog)
Restraint Snare (DC 2d6+10), 10ft Blast Reflex (to evade) and Might (to resist) vs Snare
Smoke Smoke, 20ft initial Blast fills 2 10ft cubes per turn x5 turns
* Launched Grenades/Mini-Missiles use same Damage/Effects
Larger ordinance are mecha based and scaled accordingly
** Smart Missiles target lock and then fire, using 10 base score (or the wielder's skill) and will not fire without a lock (although costing an action, a miss will not consume ammo)
Type Modifier Cost Mod
AP (Armor Piercing) 1 lower Damage Die, Penetration 2/die: TL1 5 (R)
APX (AP Explosive) as AP, +50% Dice as Force Damage: TL2 15 (R)
Boomer +1d Sonic Damage and Stun Check: TL3 5 (R)
Chem Load one Drug dose or other chemicals: TL2 5
Claw (Sabot Fragmentary) 2 lower Damage die, Penetration 2/die, +100% after DR: TL3 10 (R)
Disintegration Shell +3d Dissolve Damage (+2d/+1d following rounds): TL5 15 (R)
Disruption +2 Force Damage/Die, Stun, Penetration 10 vs Fields, Phased: TL4 10 (R)
Explosive +50% Dice as Force Damage and Stun Check: TL1 10 (R)
Flash Blinding Effect 5ft Burst 5
Flechette / Sabot 2 lower Damage Die, Penetration 4/die: TL2 5 (R)
Fragment Double Targets Armor DR, +100% Damage after Armor DR: TL2 5 (R)
Frost Shell +1d Cryo Damage and Freeze Check: TL3 5 (R)
Gel / Stun +1 Die Size, Non-Lethal Damage: TL2 5
Grav Shell Damage becomes Impact Force, +1 Die Size, Knockback, TL5 10 (R)
Gyrojet +1 Damage per Die, +100% Range: TL3 10
Gyrojet (Smart) +1 Damage per Die, +50% Range, 2nd Attack on Miss at -5: TL3 10 (R)
Incendiary +2d Pyro Damage (+1d following round): TL2 10 (R)
Long Range 1 lower Damage Die, Double Range: TL3 5
Overcharged / Magnum +1d to damage, Fumble (weapon damaged): TL1 5
Shock Round +1d Voltic Damage and Stun Check: TL3 5 (R)
Standard Round Typical for weapon (from Lead Balls to Gauss Slugs and more) 0
Supercharged / Hot Load +2d to damage, Fumble on 2 (weapon damaged): TL2 10 (R)
These are high yield energy discharge weaponry causing considerable damage in addition to special effects.
* Effects applied to Critical Hit in addition to increased damage
Name Dmg Range Ammo Special Cost
Light Laser 1d6 75ft 50 Penetrating 5, TL3
Medium Laser 1d10 75ft 30 Penetrating 5, TL3
Heavy Laser 2d6 75ft 25 Penetrating 5, TL3
E-Gun 1d10 Voltic 25ft 20 Lethal or Non-Lethal, Stun*, TL3
Plasma 2d6 Pyro 25ft 20 Burn (+1d for 1 round)*, TL3
Icer 1d8 Cryo 25ft 10 Freeze (Might save vs slow/stun)*, TL3
Sonic Resonator 1d8 Sonic 25ft 30 Lethal or Non-Lethal, Stun*, TL3
Disintegrator 2d6 Corrosive 25ft 10 Dissolve (+1d for 1 round)*, TL5
Disrupter 2d6+4 Force 50ft 20 Penetrating 10 vs Fields, Phased, Stun*, TL4
Grav Pulse 2d10 25ft 10 Impact Force (Crushing), Knockback*, TL5
Holophotonic 3d8 90ft 15 Emulates various Ballistic Ammunition, TL5
Name Dmg Range Ammo Special Cost
Light Laser 1d6 150ft 50 Penetrating 5, TL3
Medium Laser 2d6 150ft 30 Penetrating 5, TL3
Heavy Laser 3d6 150ft 25 Penetrating 5, TL3
Heavy E-Gun 2d10 Voltic 50ft 20 Non-Lethal, Stun*, TL3
Plasma 3d6 Pyro 50ft 20 Burn (+2d, +1d)*, TL3
Heavy Icer 2d8 Cryo 50ft 10 Freeze (Might save vs slow/stun)*, TL3
Resonator 2d8 Sonic 50ft 30 Lethal or Non-Lethal, Stun*, TL3
Disintegrator 3d6 Corrosive 50ft 10 Dissolve (+2d, +1d)*, TL5
Disrupter 4d6+8 Force 100ft 20 Penetrating 10 vs Fields, Phased, Stun*, TL4
Grav Pulse 4d10 50ft 10 Impact Force (Crushing), Knockback*, TL5
Holophotonic 4d8 150ft 30 Emulates various Ballistic Ammunition, TL5
Name Dmg Range Ammo Special Cost
Light Laser 2d8 750ft 100 Penetrating 10, TL3
Medium Laser 4d8 750ft 60 Penetrating 10, TL3
Heavy Laser 6d8 750ft 50 Penetrating 10, TL3
Particle Beam 2d10 100ft 10 5ft wide Line, Ra-D, TL3
Plasma 4d6 Pyro 250ft 40 10ft Blast, Burn (+2d/+1d)*, TL3
Icer 3d8 Cryo 250ft 20 10ft Blast, Freeze (Might save vs slow/stun)*, TL3
Lightning Gun 3d10 Voltic 200ft 40 10ft Blast, Non-Lethal option, Stun*, TL3
Resonator 3d8 Sonic 250ft 60 10ft Blast, Non-Lethal option, Stun*, TL3
Disintegrator 4d6 Corrosive 250ft 20 5ft Blast, Dissolve (+3/+2d/+1d)*, TL5
Disruptor 6d6+12 Force 200ft 40 Penetrating 20 vs Fields, Phased, Stun*, TL4
Grav Pulse 6d10 100ft 20 5ft Blast, Impact Force (Crushing), Knockback*, TL5
Holophotonic 8d8 750ft 15 Emulates various Ballistic Ammunition, TL5
Upgrade Function Restriction Weaponsmith DC Cost
Improved Damage
Improved Range
Motion Sensitive
Radar Targeting
Reduced Weight
Sound Targeting
Stick Pad Sticks to Target (or Floor or Wall) TL3 15
Subdual Mode Lethal to Non-Lethal TL3 25
Thermal Targeting
Voice Activated
Clip Type Function Restriction Weaponsmith DC Cost
Typical Standard for Weapon - - -
Double x2 Capacity
Triple x3 Capacity
Pack x5 Capacity
Canister x10 Capacity
Hopper x20 Capacity
Downgrade Function Restriction Weaponsmith DC Cost
Decreased Range
Increased Size
Increased Weight
Reduced Accuracy
Reduced Damage
______________________________________________________________________________UNDER CONSTRUCTION
ARMOR TYPE DR Penalty Locations DC
Clothing 0 T, A, L 5
Clothing, Reinforced 5 T, A, L 10
Helmet 10 H 10
Helmet, Heavy 15 -2 Sight/Hearing Perception H 12
Armored Vest 10 T 10
Armored Jacket 10 T, A 12
Armored Jacket, Heavy 15 -1 Mobility** T, A 15
Armored Long Coat 10 T, A, L 12
Armored Long Coat, Heavy 15 -1 Mobility** T, A, L 15
Armored Pants 10 L 12
Armored Pants, Heavy 15 -5 Movement* L 15
Full Body Armor 15 H, T, A, L 18
Full Body Armor, Heavy 20 -1 Mobility**, -5 Movement* H, T, A, L 22
Battle Suit (Heavy Assault) 25 -2 Mobility**, -10 Movement* H, T, A. L 25
* Movement Penalty Applies to ALL Form of Movement
(High Strength will help to counter, Str 2 negates -5 Movement and Str 4 negates -10 Movement)
** Mobility Penalty applies to Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth and most fine manipulation.
Does not apply to Combat checks
(If the wearers Strength is double the Penalty it may be ignored, also note Armor Options)
Wearing a secondary set of Armor (over or under main suit) will Stack its DR and combine all penalties in addition to:
-1 Mobility if Secondary Armor is DR10 and Upper Body
-5 Movement if Secondary Armor is DR10 and Lower Body
-2 Mobility if Secondary Armor is DR15 and Upper Body
-10 Movement if Secondary Armor is DR15 and Lower Body
-4 Mobility if Secondary Armor is DR20+ and Upper Body
-20 Movement if Secondary Armor is DR20+ and Lower Body
ANY Armor DR from Augmentations and/or Meta Physics do not count against the wearer (unless stated)
SOME options are not effective or usable if the suit is covered.
Option Modules
Slots are available in armor for miscellaneous upgrades [typically 1 basic slot per 5 DR of armor].
Armorer Vocation to work effectively, each option will increase the Armor’s Cost DC by 5 (or 10 for any TL4)
Cloaking - adds +10 to Stealth while moving (or +20 if Still) to evade Visual detection, an attempt to hide while in combat is possible at -10 (sniping included) - negating the bonus but allowing a Hide in Plain Sight effect for that round, DC+10: TL4
Collapsable - fully retracts into fist sized item; bracer module, belt pouch, small pack, vest, etc.
1 slot for up to DR 10 or 2 slots for DR 15 or 20 (base DR before any mods), 3 slots for Battle Suit
Standard Action to suit up (or dress down), DC+10: TL4
Energy Shielding - Energy Resistance of 10 (20 for Heavy Shielding at DC +10), each Energy Shielding is purchase separately, 1 slot each type, DC+5: TL3
Exoskeleton Servos - Increase Str by 2/4/6, DC +5/10/15: TL3
Field Generator (see below, DR stacks with Armor with no Mobility or Movement Penalty)
Flexible - counters -1 Mobility or -5 Movement per upgrade, 1 slot total for any level, DC+5: TL2
Flight Pack (flight Speed ), DC+10: Vectored Thrust TL3, Force TL4, Gravitonic TL5
Flight System (2 HOURS Flight Time before recharge), DC+5: TL3, Flight Pack
Full Environmental (sealed life support system - protection from pressure, temperature and atmosphere, 2 days supply of O2 with scrubbed air plus water filtration/purification system), DC+10: Full Suit, TL3 (indefinite time at TL4)
Hidden Weapon - one installed retractable Archaic, Modern or Advanced weapon
Improved Toughness – up to 50% increase in DR [+2 DC per 1 DR increased], 1 slot total for any level
Bonus is limited to Armorer’s Skill level, each +10 DR improvement will increase Mobility Penalty by 1 or Movement Penalty by 5 (Upper or Lower Armor): TL2
Kinetic Damper - Acts as Accelerator Suit, for high Gs and Crash Protection, double Armor’s DR for Crashing, Falling and grants full DR from Impact Damage weapons and Explosives, DC+5: TL3
Reactive Camouflage - Chameleon ability to blend into background, no Rushed Movement (NO Jog/Run/Sprint), +10 to Stealth (+20 if still), DC+10: TL3 (Rushed Movement at TL4)
Reflective Shell - counters up to 10 points of Laser Penetration, DC+5: TL3 (15 points at TL4)
Resilient - reduces Ballistic Penetration by ½, DC+5: TL3
Self Repairing - recovers Structure Points at 1 per hour, DC+10: TL4
Stealth - Invisibility to Sensors (-20 to locate with mundane technology), DC+10: TL3
Tactical Computer - targeting tracking, environmental analysis, threat assessment: +2 Initiative, +2 Perception, +1 All Combat Actions (Attacks, Defense and any Maneuvers), DC+10: TL3, CPU
Variable Form (adjustable options for color/appearance/style and size, stats are unchanged, also usable as Static Camo (+5 Stealth)), DC+10: TL4
Mastercrafted Armor
may have additional Slots in its design
additional slot may be added per difference of 5 over the difficulty of the typical/base suit, up to twice the typical of the Armor Type or 2 total for Clothing
increase the typical cost DC by 5 per extra slot as well
Buckler +1 4 lb. 6
Shield, Small +1 6 lb. 5
Shield, Large +2 12 lb. 7
Shield, Riot* +3 10 lb. 10
*Riot Shields will provide full cover when set
Impromptu Shield can be anything used to block an attack and are granted a bonus according to its size/blockability
Options - 1 slot for a buckler and small, 2 slots for a medium, 3 slots for a large and possibly 4 for a riot
[most Options available and Mastercraft Rules as Armor above]
Energy Shields
Projected Shield from a Wrist Emitter
+2 to Block, Projector/Bracer weighs 2lb, DC+10: TL4
Bracer may be able to hold 1 option slot but the actual shield cannot
Fields offer DR to its wearer in all locations and grants additional ablative protection, being damaged before the wearer - the listed damage reduction is taken from the attack (if viable) before the ablative layer is harmed, DR versus Disruptor weapons will be reduced with the field (and afterward the wearer) taking more damage.
Fields counter the Penetration of Ballistic and Energy Weapons, except for Disrupters.
The Ablative Layer of a Field DOES NOT take Critical Damage from any source, except for Disruptors (a Disruptor Critical Strike increases damage only to the Field)
Any Special Effect from Ammunition or Energy is not considered if the Field is not penetrated
Enviro Screen Full Environmental protection, DR1 all sources, TL3 10
Energy Screen 20 points & DR 10 vs Energy Attacks, TL3 10
Energy Screen, Heavy 30 points & DR 15 vs Energy Attacks, TL4 15
Kinetic Barrier 20 points & DR 10 vs Kinetic Attacks, TL3 10
Kinetic Barrier, Heavy 30 points & DR 15 vs Kinetic Attacks, TL4 15
Force Field, Light Full Protection from all sources, 20 points & DR 10, TL4 15
Force Field, Medium Full Protection from all sources, 30 points & DR 15, TL5 20
Force Field, Heavy Full Protection from all sources, 40 points & DR 20, TL5 25
FIELD GENERATORS do not have any Option Slots
(will count as an Armor Option or worn as an exterior piece without armor, as a harness or belt)
Only 1 Field may be used at a time, multiple types may be worn but not be active
Mastercrafted Fields gain a +1 to DR per 2 points exceeding the craft DC
Bonus is limited by the Armorer’s Skill level and modified by Tech Level -
TL3 +5 DR, TL4 +10 DR and TL5 +15 DR maximum increase
- ANY increase to DR will increase the Fields ablative protection by 2 points per point of DR
Dragoon Armor
Worn by the Draconic Knights of the Dynasty (and available to most Draconic through their family or the Dynasty)
Full Body Armor (DR 15, all locations)
Mastercrafted (4 slots for knight (acolyte), 5 for knight (sergeant), 6 for knight (officer))
Variations (only newly accepted in Dynasty):
Stealth Bodysuit - DR10 (all locations), -1 slot, +5 stealth
Heavy Armor - DR20 (all locations), -1 slot, Penalties to Mobility and Movement countered
Dragon Stylization & Personalized
Drop Marine Battlesuit
Worn by the Syndicate’s Drop Marines
Designed for use with a Drop-Pod for Orbital Insertion, akin to a guided gravity bomb.
Battlesuit (DR 25 all locations)
Full Environmental
Tactical Computer
Exoskeleton Servos (+2 Str)
Kinetic Damper (Acts as Accelerator Suit, for high Gs and Crash Protection, double DR for crash & fall damage)
Flexible (counters -1 Mobility Penalty, counters -5 Movement Penalty)
with both Exoskeleton and Flexibility - Mobility and Movement Penalties are countered
no other option slots available in typical model, will require a Mastercraft redesign and reconstruction
______________________________________________________________________________UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Piloted Machines / Remote Operated / Automaton (Pseudo AI) Robots
Including construction rules for Minibots, Drones, Remote Bodies, Auto Servants, Power Armors, Driven Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles, Construction Robots, All-Terrain Walkers, Warbots, to Starships of all shapes and sizes.
SIZE CATEGORY Scaling Modifier* Combat
Modifier Height /
Weight Structure
Points Modules Slots DC
Miniscule -5ds/.1 +12 < 1in < 1 oz 5 *** 15
Fine -4ds/.2 +8 < 6in < 1/8lb 10 1 10
Diminutive -3ds/.3 +6 < 1ft < 1lb 20 2 5
Tiny -2ds/.4 +4 < 2ft < 8lbs 30 3 5
Small -1ds/.5 +2 < 4ft < 60lbs 40 4 10
Medium (Base) +/-0 < 8ft < 500lbs 50 5 10
Large x2 -2 < 16ft < 2 tons 100 10 15
Huge x5 -4 < 32ft < 16 tons 250 25 20
Gargantuan x10 -8 < 64ft < 125 tons 500 50 25
Colossal x25 -12 < 128ft < 1K tons 1,250 125 30
Enormous ** x50 -16 <512ft < 16K tons 2,500 250 35
Titanic ** x100 -20 < 1,024ft < 144K ton 5,000 500 40
Super Gargantuan ** x250 -24 < 5,280ft < 10M ton 12,500 1,250 45
Mega Colossal ** x500 -28 1 Mile 10M ton+ 25,000 2,500 50+
* Scaling Modifier applies to Weapon Damage, Ranges, Speeds, Armor…
(Structure Points and number of Slots are already calculated, scaling to smaller size is not proportionate for the systems usage - damage is reduced by die size, Structure Points are set with Slots based accordingly, other factors are determined by the .5 to .1 multiplier)
** Starship Scale
*** Miniscule Size Mecha may hold 2 Mini Slots (or ½ Slot) for Miniaturized Options (Mastercrafted)
1 Standard Slot may be traded for 4 Mini Slots on Diminutive and Fine Size Mecha
Recommended crew is 1 at medium size and double for each category increased (Large 2, Huge 4, Gargantuan 8, Colossal 16, etc). Should be able to operate at 50% crew but any less will incur penalties, -2 on any actions at 40%, -4 at 30%, -8 at 20% and -10 at 10% of recommended crew. A Mecha’s AI will count as 1 crew member per point of Intellect. An Automata will count as a crew member if configured for the position. Multiplexing will count as an additional crew member per action committed.
MECHA STYLE Examples Modifiers DC
some Minibots, Drones and others multitude of design options with various benefits 10
most Remote Bodies, Auto Servants and Power Armors generally 2 legs, 2 arms and 1 head: highly functional form, usually Small to Large in Size 10
most Drones, Robots and Ships / Subs (especially military) Usually designed for functionality and simple style 0
Hoverboards, Cars, Jet Bikes, some Boats & Subs, Aerodynes Personal Transportation Mecha, no smaller than Tiny or Larger than Huge (for Medium size operator) 0
Dirigibles, Flatbeds, Buses, Tanks, most Boats & Stations Open or Enclosed, room for cargo/personnel/ vehicles/weapon mounts: +25 Slots, -25% Max Speed 5
variety of light and fast vehicles Speed Machine version of a Personal Mecha: +25% to 50% Max Speed, -25% to 50% Slots (in equal ratio) 10
a Platform with legs base 2 legged design and main body/platform: +15% Slots, -15% Speed 10
typical Planes, Shuttles and Fighters possibly capable of Gliding without Power 0
Reduce Slot usage by 1 for Primary Mode of Transit and Cost Mod by 5
Must be of appropriate Tech Level for all options
TYPE Effect Cost Mod
Wheeled Pushed or Pulled by outside force: TL0 (Ground or Water) 0
Wind Powered Move at the Wind’s Speed, Clumsy Maneuver: TL1 (Ground or Water) 5
Air Propeller Air Speed 90, Poor Maneuver: TL2, 1S 5
Gyro Air Speed 60, Average Maneuver: TL2, 1S 10
Hover / GEV Ground/Water Surface Speed 60, NO Terrain Penalties: TL2, 1S 10
Jet Turbine Replace Air or Water Propeller for 2x Speed, Clumsy Maneuver: TL2, 2S 15
Railed Travels along set track: TL2 5
Rollers (Powered) Ground Speed 60, 1/2 Terrain Penalties: TL2, 1S 5
Rocket Thrusters Air / Zero G Speed 120, Clumsy Maneuver: TL2, 3S 15
Tracked Ground Speed 60, 1/2 Terrain Penalties: TL2, 1S 5
Water Propeller Water Speed 30 (Surface or Submerged): TL2, 1S 5
Hydro Induction Water Speed 60 (Surface or Submerged), Silent: TL3, 2S 10
Legs - Biped 2 Legs with a Ground Speed of 30: TL3, 1S 5
Legs - Hexapod 6 Legs with a Ground Speed of 50: TL3, 1S 15
Legs - Octoped 8 Legs with a Ground Speed of 60: TL3, 1S 20
Legs - Quadruped 4 Legs with a Ground Speed of 40: TL3, 1S 10
Reaction Mass Drive Zero G Speed 60, Poor Maneuver: TL3, 3S 15
Vectored Thrust Air Speed 90, Good Maneuver: TL3, 2S 10
Wings (Functional) Air Speed 60, Average Maneuver: TL3, 1S (if Retractable 2S) 10
Geo-Mag or Force Wave Air Speed 90, Perfect Maneuver: TL4, 2S 15
Force Wave Drive Zero G Speed 120, Average Maneuver: TL4, S3 20
Anti-Gravity Air Speed 120, Perfect Maneuver: TL5, 2S 20
Grav Pulse Drive Zero G 180, Good Maneuver: TL5, 3S 25
Strength base is determined by Size (see Scaling Table - 1.00 Basics)
Dexterity is base of 0, +1 per Stage Smaller or -1 per Stage Larger
Constitution is considered the Toughness of a Mecha, reducing damage after Armor is Penetrated
Standard Mecha will not have Mental Ability scores and at most have limited faculties even if an Automata.
Will be considered a Sentient Machine if it ever becomes fully Conscious/Self-Aware.
Basic Sensory Systems are Typical Human Sight and Hearing, No or Limited Tactile and NO Taste or Smell
Light 10 no penalties, 0 Mod Slot
Scout 15 no penalties, 1 Mod Slots
Medium 20 -5 Movement*, 2 Mod Slots
Heavy Weight 25 -1 Mobility**, -5 Movement*, 3 Mod Slots
Assault 30 -2 Mobility**, -10 Movement*, 4 Mod Slots
(see 2.2 Armor)
see Weapons (will be scaled appropriately)
2 Slots for Primary Operator +1 per additional Crew Position (Seat and Controls of some sort minimal)
Mecha of the same Size Category as the Operator is considered Powered Armor and can only have one crew, Power Armor cannot be smaller size than the operator (when active and/or worn)
Mecha up to 2 Size Categories smaller than Operator may be used as transportation if the 2 Slots for the Pilot’s use are available (Motorcycles, Scooters and Hoverboards for example)
For Vehicles of Large Size (and up) will have a Cockpit for at least 1 Operator
Large Ships will generally have a Bridge or Command Deck for many crew members in one area.
1 Slot for Primary Control system
Additional slots accommodated on 1:1 basis as crew would be for needed positions
1 Slot for CPU & Control Systems
Automata (Autonomous Robots with Pseudo AI Systems)
Skill packages will have slightly different categories, depending on programming levels
an Autonomous Unit must have skills pertaining to its purpose/job
Basic: 4 Skills at 5 5
Expert: 2 skills at 10 5
Advanced: 2 skills at 15 10
Elite:3 Skills at 15 15
Autonomous Units will take a 10 on any skill check if possible
If impossible, due to the situation or the Difficulty being too high, then roll check as normal.
______________________________________________________________________________UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Biotech Devices TL4
Image Projector 2 Dimensional Image with Sound from speaker, TL2
Holo Emitter 3 Dimensional Image and Sound in localized area, TL3
Holophotonic Projector Interactive Hard Light with Sound and Temperature, TL5
Environment Imager as Hp Projector but over an area, TL5
Enviro Suit Full Environmental Nanotech containment and life support, TL3
Smart Suit Improved Enviro Suit - Automatically Adapts, TL4
Programmable Matter Devices TL4
Basic Processor Core Intellect 0, TL3
Upgraded Core Intellect 2, TL4
Advanced Core Intellect 4, TL5
Persona Pseudo-Intelligence with Programmed Charisma (of 0 / 1 / 2)
Expert Software +1 to +5 Aid Bonus to Specific Skill FOR USER(S)
Operation Software Level 5 (Basic)/10 (Intermediate)/15 (Advanced) Skill, TAKES 10
Peripheral Systems Machinery control from an Office to a Building or Automaton Varies
Security Software To prevent hacking intrusions and limit any damage done
Security System Armored and Reinforced with possible auto-defense system
See also the Diagnostics, Database, and Upgraded & Advanced bonuses of Vocation Equipment.
Autodoc See Operation Software above
Portable Nurse See Expert Software above
Medkit (Tools)
Field Surgery Pack / Clinic +2 Bonus (to Trained)
Operating Theater / Hospital +4 Bonus (to Expert)
Full Medical Laboratory +6 Bonus (to Master)
Rangefinder Tl2
Camera TL2
Holo-Cam TL3
Holo Virtual Imager TL4
Comm Unit - Audio / Visual TL2
Comm Unit - Holographic TL3
Comm Unit - Holo Virtual TL4
Comm Unit - Telepathic TL4, Telepathy is required for use
Satellite Uplink TL2
Parabolic Microphone TL2
Communication Booster / Relay TL2
Scrambler Unit TL2
Canteen TL2
Water Purifier TL2
Air Masks TL2
Enviro Field DR1, 20ft radius, shields from temp, weather and atmosphere: TL3
Climbing Gear Rope, Pitons, Carabiners, etc: TL2
Improved +1 Climbing bonus per Athletics and Acrobatics Skill Stages: TL3
Upgraded Electro Adhesive Pads (on Boots and Gloves), may Take 10: TL4
Advanced Gravity Attenuators, make check with Advantage: TL5
Certain bonuses will be available as the User possess a certain Stage of training in the skill, all are considered Equipment Bonuses and will stack
Trained (level 6), Expert (level 11), Master (level 16) and Pinnacle (level 20)
Item Description Cost
Diagnostics System +2 Repair Bonus: TL3
Upgraded +4 Repair Bonus (Trained): TL4
Advanced +6 Repair Bonus (Expert): TL5
Database +2 Bonus: TL3
Upgraded +4 Bonus (Trained): TL4
Advanced +6 Bonus (Expert): TL5
Expert Software Ran by an Automaton (or AI), Aid Other Bonus +1 +1/Stage: TL3, User Int 1
Upgraded User may Take 10 on check, Add +2 Bonus: TL4, User Int 2 & Trained
Advanced User makes Check with Advantage, Add +4 Bonus: TL5, User Int 3 & Expert
Multi Tool Replicates most non-powered Basic Tools: TL3
Upgraded Replicates most Tools (Powered or Non), +2 Bonus: TL4
Advanced Change into any Tool, Scanner or other programmed gear, +4 Bonus: TL5
Basic Portable Tool Set/Belt/Pack (may use Power Cells or Grid Power depending)
Full Set Semi-Portable Caddy, may use Grid Power or Power Cells (+2 Bonus for 2*)
Shop / Lab Non-Portable Full Set, uses Grid Power (+4 Bonus for 5*)
Building Multi-part operation purposed for one skill (+6 Bonus for 10+*)
Facility Level Buildings / Campus, +2 Bonus/Skill Stage of users (up to +8)
- Upgraded Additional +2 Bonus: TL4
- Advanced Additional +4 Bonus: TL5
* Maximum number of individuals able to get bonus from 1 tool set, Facilities could be 100+.
Buildings, Facilities and some Labs will also grant bonuses to multiple skill checks in related fields.
Mastercraft - each 5 points over the items DC grants the item 1 Upgrade Option (of up to 1 per TL of item)
Downgrading a function of an Item will reduce the DC by 5 per downgrade
Mastercrafted Items may still have Downgraded Functions making a wide range of options available for fully customized gear.
Limited Usage
Highly Focused Use