______________________________________________________________________________UNDER CONSTRUCTION


Tech 1 has the most basic replacements with hand hooks and peg legs

Tech 2 gains improved functionality and limited replacement organs

Tech 3 possesses True Replacement and Enhancement technology (Most Factions)

Tech 4 will have Enhanced Augmentations (Syndicate, Impyrium, Aulurans (Biotech))

Tech 5 gains Advanced Augmentations (Mondi, Mekan)

Augmentations will cost 2 BP

Any Character which receives Augmentations that take them over their BPs available will have at least 1BP

taxed for each post session reward and will have equivalent penalties until balanced.

Prosthetics have no BP cost, options within a component will cost 1 BP ea (anything besides standard hands and feet)

Any Creature with Non-Typical Anatomy cannot use typical Augmentations and must incorporate some Metatechnology (likely Inorganic) to be compatible.

Any Shifter Type cannot use typical Augmentations, not compatible for several reasons.

Any Augmentations gained must be Biotech (or similar Metatechnology)

Synthetics cannot use Biotech Augmentations without sustenance to maintain them (see Skin Androids)

Androids are of Humanlike design and pay for Augmentations and the Augmented Feature as a Human. Synthetics may incorporate many Augmentations as equipment and do not need the Augmented Feature, expanded Augmentation features will still be purchased.

Augmentation Stigma, this will range from Negligible to Severe depending on extent of modifications and societies’ views in the area - from awe and fascination by some to pity and shunned by others, all the way to a blinding hatred against the abominations of life by the most severe anti-augmenters - a varied range throughout like most discriminations. Augmented Humans are often called Cyborgs (or Borgs for the Heavier types), Heavily Augmented Androids are referred to as Scraps, etc.


2BP per Augmentation (after Augmentation feature is gained)

A backer, personal wealth or a proper backstory must still account for financial costs.

Augmentation Features

The Character may take 6 BP worth of Augments without additional charge per stage of Augmentation gained.

Augmentations over this amount will cost the usual

any Negative BP will be deducted from future XP

otherwise consider some technical issues or calibrations needed (ie penalties of equal value)


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Air Supply 60 mins of O2 15 500

Anti-Shock Implant Electricity Resistance 10, Augments impervious 15 2,000

Bionic Enhancement +1/+2/+3 Stamina 25 (R) 5,000 x Bonus

Body Monitor detailed vitals – Heart Rate, BP, o2, etc *** 10 200

Body Weapons Retractable Fangs or Claws 20 ea 1,000

Breathing Filter smoke/gas filtration * 15 200

Comm Implant coded transceiver/continental range or network *** 10 500

Dermal Armor DR +4/+8/+12/+16. 20 (R) 2,000 x DR

Disguise System as Alter Form (Minor) 20 (R) 10,000

Enhanced Antibodies +100% heal rate/Infection Checks w/adv 15 5,000

Extra Shoulder Mounts mount 2 cyber arms under main arms. Heavy 25 6,000

Fortified Skeleton DR 4 (DR 12 vs falls/impact)/+1 Strength 30 (R) 7,500

Gills breathe in water environment 20 (Restricted*) 1,000

ID Chip Identity/Licenses/Bank Cards/Medical/etc *** 10 100

Injector Unit 2 mini-injectors with 4 doses ea 15 500+

Muscle/Bone Weave +1/+2/+3 Strength 25 (R) 5,000 x Bonus

Nano Groomers skin and hair maintenance *** 10 2,000

Nano Surgeons +100% Heal Rate/all Recovery Checks at Advantage 25 7,500

Reinforced Chassis Heavy: Synth Limbs (all), Str 3, Sta 3, DR 12 30 50,000

Body Plating DR20 Torso and Head Plating: Reinforced Chassis 20 10,000

Sculpted Body as Attractive Feature (or Customized Look) *** 15 10,000

Stabilizer Automatically Stabilize from dying 20 (R) 1,500

Tail Decorative or prehensile (at -4 Str and -2 Dex) (Bio) 15/20 prehen** 5,000 / 7,500

Toxin Binders all Toxin Checks w/advantage 15 8,000

* Gills are Restricted except on waterworlds such as Aquatica and Aquarius

** Fully Mechanical Cybertail will cost as a Cyberarm but with 2 options and no hand (unless as option) [5ft reach, -2 Str, -2 Dex], short Cybertail will have 1 option

*** Listed Augmentations may be taken without BP charge but credits must be paid for by character. These are generally commonplace enough to be socially accepted as a personal choice, such as ID, Comm, Body Monitor and Sculpted Body. These Augmentations may be taken without the Augmentation Feature if prevalent to the region (an ID Chip, Nano Groomers and Sculpted Body being the most common Augmentations found anywhere followed by a Comm Implant and Body Monitor).


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Control Chips Various circuits for emotional or mental control 15+ 2,000+

Mech Link mind-to-machine link, wired & ports (no BP cost) 15 5,000

Nerve Hardwire +1/+2/+3 Dexterity 25 (R) 5,000 x Bonus

Pain Filter Counters Sense of Pain / Wound Penalties negated 15 (R) 1,000

Skill Circuitry +2 to one skill (reprogrammable). Ranked (Int). 15 500 x Skill Bonuses

Translator Implant Contains most Languages and Dialects, updatable 10 2,000


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Sensory Recorder Records all sensations for playback 20 25,000


Ears may be original with integrated enhancements or replaced with synthetic parts

AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Amplified Hearing +2 Hearing Awareness checks 15 2,000

Frequency Scanner wide-band radio scanner 15 500

Scrambler / Descrambler military grade 20 (R) 1,500

Sound Damper immune to loud noise effects 10 500

Voice Stress Analyzer +4 Sense Motive 15 2,000 (R)


Natural Eyes may be integrated with enhancements or replaced with Synthetic Eyes

AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Anti-Flare Counter Bright-Light Blindness 14 500

Image Enhancement +2 Sight Awareness checks 15 2,000

Marquee Digital Feed seen in Optic Overlay 15 1,500

Micro-optics Microscopic Vision 10 2,500

Nightvision Night Vision 60ft 19 2,000

Targeting +2 Ranged Attack 17 (R) 4,500

Teleoptic Reduce Range penalties to 1/2 15 2,500

Thermograph see IR and heat patterns 15 3,000

Tracking Reduce Movement Penalties by 1/2 15 3,000


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Olfactory Boost +2 Scent Awareness checks 15 5,000

Scent Track by Scent/ID by scent 15 7,500


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Tactile Boost +2 Touch Awareness checks 15 5,000



Internal or Sensory Organ (no BP cost for basic models) 15-20 ea 2,000 to 10,000


AUGMENT Description (listed extra slot if Heavy Limbs) CR Cost

Shoulder/Full Arm [3/4 slots] (Structure Points 30 + Sta x5) 22/24 10,000 / 12,500

Elbow/Forearm [2/3 slots] (Structure Points 20 + Sta x5) 20/22 5,000 / 6,250

Wrist/Hand [1/2 slot] (Structure Points 10 + Sta x5) 16/18 2,000 / 2,500


comes with any arm in addition to slots, may be opted for extra slot in lieu of hand

Standard Hand fully functioning & articulated included 0

Hammer Fist 1d8 Blunt 15 (R) 1,000

Blade Fist 1d8 Slash 15 (R) 1,000

Spike Fist 1d8 Pierce 15 (R) 1,000

Grappler Hand 50m smart monocable line with a multi-grapple 20 2,000

Clawed Hand long retractable finger claws 20 (R) 5,000

Tool Hand multi-purposed assembly or +2 skill bonus 20 1,200

Weapon replaces functional hand, non-retractable 10 200+weapon


Armor DR +10/+15/+20, 1 slot. Heavy at DR20 15 10%/15%/20% base

Booster +2/+4/+6 Strength for Grapple and Damage 25 500 ea

Forearm Shield Collapsible: small 1, large 2 & tower 3 slots 15+**** (R) 500+

Forearm Weapon Retractable, any one handed weapon, 2 slots 15+**** (R) 2,000+

Reinforced +25% structure points 15 +25% base

Shielding fully EMP shielded 15 (R) +25% base

Skinlike looks real CR 25 to tell. Not Heavy. 25 2,000

Storage hidden compartment in forearm or bicep 15 500 ea

Forearm Scanner Diagnostics System (as listed in Gear) 15+**** 200+

Modular Joints Easily replaceable limb section 15 1,000 ea


Hip/Full Leg [3/4 slots] (Structure Points 30 + Sta x5) 22/24 8,000 / 10,000

Knee/Lower Leg [2/3 slots] (Structure Points 20 + Sta x5) 18/20 3,000 / 3,750

Ankle/Foot [1/2 slot] (Structure Points 10 + Sta x5) 15/17 1,200 / 1,500


comes with leg in addition to slots

(non-standard feet require pairs)

Standard Foot fully functioning & articulated included 0

Gripper Foot reduce movement penalties by half 15 1,000

Prehensile Foot usable as an off-hand/-2 fine manipulation 20 1,000

Skate Foot Run speed increased by 50% (+100% down incline) 15 1,000

Web Foot Swim Speed increased by 50% 15 1,000


Armor DR +10/+15/+20. Heavy at DR20 15 10%/15%/20% base

Jump Boost (Set) +10 to Jump checks (pair only) 20 1,000

Reinforced +25% structure points 15 +25% base

Shielding fully EMP shielded 15 (R) +25% base

Skinlike looks real CR 25 to tell. Not Heavy. 25 2,000

Speed Boost (Set) +10/+20/+30 Ground Move (pair only) 25 5k / 10k / 15k

Storage / Holster hidden compartment in leg or thigh 15 500 ea

**** Installation and Concealed or Retractable Mounting plus price of item mounted

(Weapon, Shield, Scanner or other device)


AUGMENT Description

Synth Tentacle as Synth Arm, +100% cost, +10CR

Synth Digitigrade/Ulnagrade Leg as Synth Leg, +25% cost

Synth Insectoid Limb as Synth Arm or Leg, +50% cost, +5CR

Synth Wing as Leg, +100% cost, +5CR


Replacement Limbs listed are sized for Medium Creatures (and generally humanoid)

Double Cost per Size Category increased

Halve Cost per Size Category decreased

Also Double cost and increase CR for non-humanoid races (as appropriate, being that if a race has Augmentation Tech they will not be penalized for themselves but likely for other races which are radically different).



Enhanced Augmentations will not be disabled due to massive damage


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Alterable Bioform as Alter Form 25 20,000

Bodyform Nodes grants a Bodyform Feature: Multiple (Sta) 25 (R) 15,000

Body Conversion Non-Typical Anatomy feature: Reinforced Chassis 25 75,000

Dermal Weave +4DR, +100% Base Heal Rate: Dermal Armor 21 (R) 7,500

Luminous Skin adjustable glowing skin 6 2,000

Picotech Enhanced Reprogrammable Replacement options ****** 0 +20%

PicoSurgeons grants Fast Heal Feature 20 25,000

NuGenic Nodes Longevity supplements/DNA cleanse/Bio-Renewal *** 30 50,000

Prosthetic Enhancement Legs: +2 damage/+5 speed 20/set

Arms: +2 damage/+2 grapple 20/set 5,000 per set

Enhanced Structure (+10 DR and +25% Structure) 15 +10%


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Accelerator Implant +4 Initiative (stacks with Improved Initiative Feature) 25 (R) 8,000

Anti-Stun Implant immune to stun 24 (R) 10,000

Biotech Emulator Use Biotechnology as if Psychic 20 25,000

Body Computer take 10 Computer Use in 1/2 time or at Advantage 30 5,000 (base)

Upgrades as other Computer Systems (Gear options no BP cost)

Data Archive as Jack of all Trades Feature 25 10,000

Empathic Attunement +1/+2/+3 Charisma 25/30/35 (R) 10,000 ea

Feature Circuit gain 1 feature (reprogrammable): Limited 20 15,000

Nootropic Enhancement +1/+2/+3 Intelligence 25/30/35 (R) 10,000 ea

Psychotropic Activation +1/+2/+3 Wisdom 25/30/35 (R) 10,000 ea

Rage Implant as Rage 25 (R) 2,500

Smart Link Wireless Mech Link with +2 Gear bonus. 20 7,500

Cyber Jack Operate over Comm: Smart Link, Comm Implant 20 (R) 5,000

Surrogate Uplink Virtually Remote a Synthetic Body: Cyber Jack 15 (R) 20,000

Skill Plexus socket for 4 Skill Circuits 25+**** (R) 2,000+

Synaptic Mask Checks vs Mental Effects at Advantage 25 (R) 10,000

Trans-Cerebral Venture Brain ‘transplant’, into other body or system 30 ***** 50,000



AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Laser 2d6 damage with 20ft range 25 2,500

XR Imager see through objects 10ft 30 5,000



Advanced Augmentations cost 1/2 BP


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Programmable Biomatrix as Alter Form (Advanced) 25 25,000

Distortion Field Blur (10 Min) or Invisibility (1 Min) (1 hour recharge) 30 (R) 5,000

Gravity Attenuator changes ‘ground’ plane, Climb +20, Jump +10 25 10,000

Holophotonic Armor Holophotonic Emitter implanted ****** 15 5,000

Holophotonic Gear Holophotonic Emitter implanted ****** 15 5,000

Holophotonic Weapons Holophotonic Emitter implanted ****** 15 5,000

Interface Silver Dedicated Cyberjack for 1 Mecha (Reprogrammable) 10 5,000

Polymatter Structure Morphic Implant or Replacement (limited) ****** 0 +25%

Polymatter Surgeons grants Fast Heal and Regeneration Features 20 50,000


AUGMENT Description CR Cost

Digitized Consciousness consciousness migrated to another form (Bio or Synth) 30 ***** 100,000

Feat Plexus socket for 4 Feature Circuits 25+**** (R) 10,000

Psi Implant Awakened (Mental) 35 (R) 25,000

*** NuGenic Process will negate aging and most physical deterioration for 20 years

**** cost of Plexus plus costs of each Skill or Feat implant added

***** Special availability and this is considered an intermediate state (as in inbetween bodies) and may maintain such condition indefinitely with power and even be active on a mental level. Listed price does not include a replacement body, psyche will be contained in an AI housing and may be connected as such.

****** Picotech, Holophotonic Emitters and Polymatter will still require the purchase of items in its library



A Mech Link is a cybernetic implant that creates a direct neural interface between a character and a mech. This seamless connection between the user's thoughts and the machine's actions grants numerous benefits.A Mech Link is a marvel of cybernetic engineering, a cybernetic implant that establishes a direct neural interface between a character and a mech. This groundbreaking technology seamlessly bridges the gap between human and machine, granting unparalleled control and integration.

Enhanced Control

Mech Links allow for increased speed and precision when operating machinery, and the ability to control multiple machines simultaneously.

Improved Abilities

Features such as improved reflexes, danger sense, and quick learning enhance a pilot's capabilities. Special abilities like precognition and telekinesis further augment their control over the mech.


Mech Links open up possibilities for individuals with disabilities, enabling them to control prosthetic limbs or assistive devices with their minds.

Character Development

The integration of technology and consciousness raises thought-provoking themes for characters to explore, such as cybernetic enhancement, artificial intelligence, and the nature of consciousness.

Expanded Roleplaying

The presence of a Mech Link opens up a range of roleplaying possibilities, allowing characters to grapple with the ethical implications of cybernetic enhancement or develop a unique bond with their mech.

Game Mechanics

Skill Enhancement

Mech Links grants a bonus of +1 to +5 to skills directly related to piloting or operating mechs and other technology. This could include skills like piloting, engineering, mechanics, or even gunnery if the mech is equipped with weapons.

Improved Reflexes

Mech Links enhance a character's reaction time and coordination, granting them the ability to react more quickly to threats and perform complex maneuvers with greater precision. This is an Enhancement bonus to initiative rolls of +1 to +5, granting a Advantage Check on Reflex saving throws, or even allowing the character to take an additional reaction on their turn.

Danger Sense

Mech Links can provide characters with an uncanny ability to sense impending danger. This heightened awareness could manifest as a subtle feeling of unease, a tingling sensation, or even a clear premonition of the threat. Mechanically, this could be represented as granting the character advantage on initiative rolls, allowing them to make Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect hidden threats, or even granting them a limited number of rerolls on saving throws against attacks or harmful effects.

Rapid Adaptation

In situations where a character needs to learn a new skill on the fly, a Mech Link could grant them a Advantage Check on the Intellect checks, representing their ability to quickly grasp the basics of the skill.

Reduced Training Time

Characters with Mech Links will require a 5th of the usual time to learn new skills or improve existing ones. For example, a skill that normally takes 10 days to learn will only take 2 days with a Mech Link.

Accelerated Skill Checks

The time it takes to perform tasks related to a skill could be significantly reduced. This could be especially useful for skills that involve complex calculations, analysis, or problem-solving. For example, a character with a Mech Link might be able to complete a task that would normally take an hour in just a few minutes. Skill Checks taking more than 1 Round reduce the time needed to 1/5 typical, Checks made in 1 Round will have its Action Time reduced by 1 Step (Full Round Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Free Action to Reaction).

Technopathic/Techno-Kinetic Effects

This special ability represents a character's heightened affinity for technology, granted by their Mech Link.


Directly connecting with computer systems, networks, or electronic devices to access information, bypass security measures, or even control them remotely.


Quickly identifying malfunctions, errors, or vulnerabilities in technological systems.


Understanding and interpreting machine languages, codes, or encrypted data.


Sensing the "emotional state" of AI or other advanced computer systems.

Remote Operation

Controlling machines or devices at a distance, even without a physical interface.


Altering the function or purpose of technological systems.


Fixing damaged or malfunctioning technology through mental commands.


Disabling or interfering with the operation of enemy technology.